National Book Lovers Day

National Book Lovers Day is celebrated on August 9th. This unofficial holiday focuses on reading, literature, and the power books have to preserve culture, provide a means of escape from everyday life, and inform readers about places, people, and concepts they would not normally experience by providing a window into someone else's story. Take a break from screens this week (unless it's an e-reader, of course) by snuggling up somewhere cozy with your next read. If you are anything like me, you probably have a humongous "TBR" pile somewhere in your home that could use some work. But, maybe you are having trouble finding a book that will be as enjoyable as the one you just finished? Look no further!

Both Novelist and Novelist K-8 are databases used by librarians as readers advisory tools to connect you with thousands of books, broken down into  story elements that are searchable and tell the reader more about the content of the book they are choosing.  These book recommendations are based on a number of factors including tone, genre, and theme and other searchable facets of a body of literature. You can search Novelist for the title of the last book you read and enjoyed and from that page, find similar books featuring character dynamics, setting, or other story elements that have been identified by the database as shared with the story you searched. It can even recommend similar authors!

From the homepage, the top menu bar has a drop down menu under "Quick Links"  that includes things like resources for book clubs, genre guides, as well as a link to the "Story Elements Index" to provide a basic overview of the way Novelist categorizes stories and the terms they use to define that categorization. These factors help readers identify what elements in a story that they enjoy and how to search for them in the future using these defined terms.  

Novelist K-8 is designed specifically for young readers to use while Novelist Plus is appropriate for all ages. Remember that if you are wanting to access these resources off of library grounds, you will have to log in using your STPL library card. Call or make an appointment with your local reference librarian today if you would like to learn more about Novelist or you can click the help button on the right-hand side of the top menu bar while in Novelist. Happy Reading!

Covington Branch's Book List

List created by STPLReferenceCovington

Celebrate National Book Lovers Day this August 9th with some of our favorites!

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