National Gardening for Wildlife Month

The National Wildlife Federation has deemed May National Gardening for Wildlife Month.  Their website has a variety of resources to help create gardens and other spaces that support bees, birds, butterflies, and other wildlife found in the backyard.  

The website includes the following resources to help create a garden for wildlife.

  1. The four components of survival for wildlife are food, water, cover, and places to raise the young. 
  2. A native plant finder
  3.  Downloadable tip sheets and videos
  4. How to create a wildlife garden at your home, at school, and in your community
  5. Information on the types of wildlife the garden can help
  6. How to apply to certify your garden as a wildlife habitat
  7. How to create a sustainable wildlife garden

The library has the following resources to learn more about gardening!

National Gardening for Wildlife Month

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