Introducing The New York Times Online!

by Noelle Williams, Reference Coordinator

Extra, extra! The St. Tammany Parish Library now has a digital subscription to The New York Times. Library users can get access to NYT content for free in the library or at home.

At the library? Join the library’s wi-fi or log into one of our public computers to register for a new account. Already have a New York Times account? Then join the library’s wi-fi or use one of our public computers to log in!

Using The New York Times from home is easy, too! Just visit our website and click the Redeem link to create a new account or log into your existing account. The Redeem link will provide 72 hours of access to NYT content and you can renew your access by repeating the process.

If you need help getting started or have additional questions, please visit your nearest reference librarian.

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