100 Books Before Graduation


Welcome to the St. Tammany Parish Library 100 Books Before Graduation Reading Challenge! This free reading initiative is for St. Tammany Parish Teens in grades 7-12 to read 100 books before they graduate from high school.

Studies have shown reading for pleasure and enjoyment has a significant impact on adolescents both academically and socially. Additionally, there is an improvement in emotional health and well-being: reading books strengthens the brain, increases empathy, builds vocabulary, reduces stress, alleviates depression and can make you live longer!

Team all of that positivity with fun, teen-approved prizes and why wouldn't you participate?


Sign up at any time, and read at your own pace.  To com­plete the chal­lenge, you must read and log 100 books on Beanstack, the online reading tracker, by May 31st of your graduation year.  Plus you earn prizes and virtual badges along the way! Prizes will be awarded for registering for the Challenge, and at the 25, 50, 75 and 100 book read completion mark.

Participants can only complete the challenge and earn prizes one time. Books may only be read once and must be read after signing up for the challenge. (We still encourage you to re-read your favorites just for fun!)

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