Blade Runner: Then and Now

Science fiction has come a long way since the early 1980's and so has our ability to produce bigger and flashier movies. Lately, there have been several remakes or sequels of some of the 80's best movies. The St. Tammany Parish Library recently acquired one of these, Blade Runner 2049. Have you heard of this movie and its origins?

Blade Runner

The original Blade Runner movie came out in 1982, and starred Harrison Ford in the lead role. Ford was entering the height of his popularity after appearing in Star Wars and Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark. Now a household name, Ford was quickly becoming one of the most popular actors in Hollywood. When Blade Runner came out in 1982, however, many viewers and critics alike were somewhat surprised by the smaller budget and scope. 

Despite tepid expectations, however, Blade Runner proved not only to be a technically impressive film, but also surprisingly deep. The movie, based on the novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip Dick, was a surprise hit and has since become a cult favorite.

Blade Runner has even inspired scholarly work, debating the merits and lessons of the film.

On "Blade Runner"

The Blade Runner Experience

Fast-forward more than thirty years and there is now a sequel to the 1982 cult classic. Blade Runner 2049 was well-received in theaters. Ryan Gosling leads the film as "K" (Possibly a nod to Franz Kafka's protagonist in The Trial?), a blade runner who must search for Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford) after uncovering a long-kept secret.

Blade Runner 2049

Do you have an opinion on Blade Runner 2049? Which is your favorite? Do you prefer K or Rick Deckard? Feel free to search for both movies from the St. Tammany Parish Library website, or check out one of the recommended titles.