Fiction Spotlight: Star Wars: From A Certain Point of View

Star Wars

Just in time for Star Wars: The Last Jedi, there's another new Star Wars book for fans to enjoy. This one comes highly recommended and offers a fresh take on the classic adventure.

Star Wars

From A Certain Point of View

The book covers the events of the original film, from opening shot to the end of the movie. Conceptually, it covers these events from different perspectives, hence the title. These stories vary from well-known characters like Obi-Wan Kenobi and Aunt Beru, to more obscure players like 'that guy who didn't shoot at the escape pod' and 'the guy in charge of Detention Block AA-23'. 

What really works here, coming from a Star Wars fan, is that the reader is able to experience scenes that almost certainly happened, but were never shown onscreen.

 These stories are all written by different authors, most of whom are well-known and prolific. They include:

- Meg Cabot

- Pablo Hidalgo

- Tom Angleberger

- Jeffrey Brown

- Whil Wheaton

And many more!

One of the best things about this book, I find, is that despite the various authors and points of view, you're still following the main story, which remains just out of reach. At the same time, you're  introduced to characters and scenarios you probably didn't stop to think about, and leave craving more!

Hopefully this book is a sign of good things to come, and I'd love to see a sequel that covers The Empire Strikes Back.

From A Certain Point of View is also available on Audiobook!

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