NoveList Plus – Discover Your Next Favorite Read!

Imagine you've just finished a wonderful book, and now you don't know what to read next. Of course, during the day you can always ask a librarian for a suggestion. But if you can't visit the library, or the library branches are all closed, or if you prefer to use an online tool, you can use NoveList Plus.

NoveList Plus is available for free with your library card. It can help you discover your next favorite read. Whether you're 8 or 88 years old, whether you prefer fiction or nonfiction, NoveList Plus can make a recommendation for you. Whether you prefer to browse or to search, NoveList Plus can help you.

When you search NoveList Plus, type the name of a title, author, or series that you have enjoyed. NoveList Plus will give you a list of similar books, authors, or series, on the right side of the screen. If you prefer to browse, simply click on the words "Browse by" near the top left side of the screen.

Once you find a title that interests you, NoveList has a link that will take you to St. Tammany Parish Library's Classic Catalog, where you can see if the title is available from your library, and if so, the formats the title is available in and which branches have a copy. The link looks like this:

But wait. There's more!
Looking for the order of books in a series? NoveList can help with that too. 

Do you prefer listening to audiobooks? NoveList Plus provides a way to search for the kind of narrator you want to hear. You can search for narrators by name or by audiobooks by audio characteristics.

The possibilities for discovery are endless with NoveList Plus, opens a new window