May Your Memoirs Be Memorable

Memoirs are an invaluable way to connect with other humans on the subject of their lives and yours. It is a way to see into another person's life and also connect with another person who may be going through what you are or have gone through. It can also be the window into how they made something happen that you may want to make happen in your own life. Want to pick that writer's or artist's brain? Want to read about a favorite singer's life? Read their memoir. Maybe a writer has seemed to pick your brain and written about something similar that happened to you? Read about their life and how they may have overcome the struggles you face. Maybe it is a peek inside a life that is completely different than your own. Whatever you are interested in there are many choices and many voices to help you on your way, dear reader. Read on! 

The Memory Palace

The Glass Castle

Fiction Ruined My Family

On Writing

Making A Literary Life

The Late Bloomer's Revolution

Eat, Pray, Love


Running With Scissors

Lips Unsealed