Summertime Gardening for Kids & Families!

Summer is a great season to spend time as a family in the garden! Gardening can not only be fun, but educational as well! Life cycles, environmental awareness, and learning to be responsible in caring for something can all be experienced through creating a garden. Here are a few hardy plants that don’t mind the heat!

Zinias - This daisy-like plant will bloom through the Summer and into Fall. They come in many different colors and can grow very tall.


 Lantana - These plants can attract butterflies and hummingbirds. They grow well both in pots and in the garden.

 Angelonia - These plants are low maintenance and can survive if you go on vacation. They come in beautiful colors of white, purple, and pink and will make flowers all Summer.


There are dozens of plants that will thrive in the Summer. Just make sure to research them first. Flowers aren’t the only things you can grow together. Starting a vegetable or an herb garden can be fun as well!    

Here are Some Fun Gardening Resources and Craft Ideas:

Great Books about gardening for Kids!

Great Books about Gardening

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