All The Colors of the Earth

St. Tammany Parish Libraries provide books and media available to all our patrons, and we know how important it is for a reader to see stories featuring all walks of life.  In recognition of Children's Day, which will occur this year on June 10th, we will be covering All the Colors of the Earth, a picture book by Sheila Hamanaka.

All the Colors of the Earth is a celebration of diversity.  Earthy and nature-inspired descriptions used in this book praise our unique qualities.  All the similes paint a positive picture of the differences children have and how they are embraced and loved.  The same sentiment can be projected onto the readers themselves--a child will be able to see someone who looks like them and understand that they, too, are beautiful and loved.

An audible telling of the book is also available for download or check-out from your local branch.
20 Sing-along Stories

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